Bench Test Set - Provides RF signal generation and parametric measurement of MK XIIA and TACAN equipment

A leading-edge RF signal generator designed for engineering and manufacturing applications, as well as for use in return-to-service work
The IFF-45TS Transponder / Interrogator / TACAN Bench Test Set is a versatile RF signal simulator used to test AIMS Mark XIIA transponders, interrogators and TACAN systems. It can operate under remote control from a computer or ATE system, providing support for ADS-B Out testing and monitoring ADS-B, TIS-B and Acquisition squitters. The IFF-45TS emulates either a ground or airborne transponder in six different modes.



  • MK XIIA AIMS certified for Level 1 and Level 2
  • Accommodates DOD AIMS 04-900A Option A (KIV-78) and Option B (KIV-77)
  • Dual I/O for diversity testing of transponders or SUM/DIFFERENCE on interrogators
  • Separate connections for direct or over-the-air testing
  • Software defined radio design allows waveform flexibility and future growth potential
  • Dual signal generator design allows coordinated signal production for interference and echo testing
  • Remote interfaces consist of RS-232, Ethernet and GPIB
  • GUI allows easy access to test features
  • Industry wide use in development and end item testing of transponders and interrogators


  • Engineering – Development and qualification testing for MK XIIA, ADS-B Beacon, and TACAN equipment
  • Manufacturing – factory calibration and verification testing
  • Depot/Service – Level 1/2, return-toservice testing
  • Support for DO-260B, AIMS 03-1000B, Amendment 1 and DO-181E certification testing

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