Converters 5KVA up to 300KVA with output voltages ranging from 200V up to 1000V L - L
The FVC series of converters is designed for intensive use on production lines and is ideal for use in research and development laboratories. These converters provide a symmetrical and balanced sinusoidal three-phase system with continuous variation of voltage and frequency output. They can work on unbalanced loads up to 100% with the ability to feed single phase loads by connecting one phase and neutral or two phases. The power range goes from 5KVA up to 300KVA with output voltages ranging from 200V up to 1000V L – L. This allows the maximum adaptation to load requirements without penalizing output power. Equipped with a modern and intuitive user interface that makes setup and parameter readings simple and easy. They are realized in table rack (low powers), in wheeled cabinet (medium powers) or cabinet.
- Power from 5 up to 1000KVA
- Output voltage from 100 up to 1000V (L-L)
- Voltage and frequency continuously adjustable
- Monophase models FVCM and three-phases FVCT
- Output frequency 40 – 200Hz (optional 15 – 80, 200-350, 350-450)
- Perfect regulation on unbalanced load (5 columns trafo and control of each phase)
- High bandwidth
- Overload 120% up to 200%
- 1 o 2 scales
- Sinusoidal otput waveform
- Optional bidiretional width regenerator
- Can be controlled from front panel, serial, inputs
- Design table rack, built-in rack, cabinet, open frame
- Accuracy better than 0.3%
- THD better than 0.3%
- Insulated output
- Easy use
- PC control software
Available on back-order