Ametek – PINS3-CF

Chemical and Explosives Identification System - Chemical Weapons Identification

Portable Isotopic Neutron Spectroscopy (PINS) Systems have been deployed worldwide, often as part of national counter-terrorist efforts. A non-destructive means of identifying chemical contents, it is an R&D 100 award-winning technology originally developed to identify old munitions suspected of containing chemical agents.

  • Neutron-based, non-destructive assay system
  • Senses chemicals inside thick steel containers and quickly determines if the contents are hazardous
  • Designed to identify chemicals inside a container without the need for disassembly, contact, physical sampling or breech
  • Munitions – artillery, mortar, rockets, bombs, land mines
  • Containers – gas cylinders, storage tanks, bags, briefcases, parcels, luggage
  • Chemicals – chemical war heads, explosives, gases, smoke


ORTEC’s Portable Isotopic Neutron Spectroscopy (PINS) Chemical Identification System combines the latest chemical analysis identification technology with the industry leading ORTEC trans-SPEC-N high purity germanium platform. The PINS3-CF offers unprecedented value with the elimination of liquid nitrogen, reduced operating cost, lightweight field deployment and built-in automatic ID of chemicals all in a rugged design.
The PINS3-CF portable chemical analysis and identification system is flexible enough to be used every day by CBRNe security professionals. The system makes non-destructive chemical identification a powerful solution for any security professional that requires a higher degree of safety in inspecting the contents of munitions, tanks, shielded containers, drums, or any unknown chemical mixture.


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